Hear us sing at Christmas and in May in Carnforth, Morecambe and Lancaster
Sunday Dec 8th 2024 Carnforth Christmas Concert poster

Carnforth Choral Society is a friendly bunch of people who share an interest in music and, especially, choral music. While most of our members are singers, we also welcome members who prefer to stay in the background helping 'backstage'.

We welcome new members whatever your musical ability, so why not give us a go? While there is an easy-going atmosphere, there is also a commitment to working hard to achieve a high standard in performance. WE ARE PARTICULARLY KEEN TO WELCOME NEW MALE SINGERS TO MAINTAIN A GOOD BALANCE IN OUR FUTURE CONCERTS.

Singers can join the choir at any time during the musical year and there are no auditions, or stipulations about being able to read music, although it obviously helps to have some who can.

We have performed in various venues around Morecambe and Lancaster including:– Leighton Hall; Lancaster Town Hall; Carnforth Our Lady’s Church Hall; Bolton Le Sands Community Centre; Arkholme Village Hall; Christ Church, Morecambe; Holy Trinity Church, Casterton and St Margaret's Church, Hornby.

There are about 35 members and new members are always welcome. Our members mainly come from Lancaster, Morecambe and Carnforth.

We now know that a Carnforth Choral Society existed in 1915 and lasted until at least 1935. Like many other organisations we suspect that it was disbanded for the Second World War with the present Society reformed in 1965.

As soon as you become a member of CCS, we will ask you to pay the current term's subscription (£30 at present). Funds raised in this way, by ticket sales for non-charity concerts, and by occasional raffles at rehearsals and concerts, are used to cover the running expenses of the choir.

Every year in the autumn at the Annual General Meeting the Officers share with the Members a short review of the activities and finances in the last 12 months.